CHANCE is the possibility of something happening. We use this word a lot in Hawaii. The original translation or the root of the word basically remains the same in most of the ways that it is used, so keep that in mind when you hear it.
You Like Chance? This is a phrase that many young lads might use to ask a young lady to take a chance on him. Another translation might be “Would you like to go steady”.
By Chance… This is usually used when you have something in your hand or you are pointing at something. If you’re holding a measuring cup, it may mean “by chance may I borrow a cup of sugar?”… if you are holding a broken coffee mug it may mean “by chance do you know who broke my coffee mug?” This is usually used by an alpha, like a mom, a supervisor, or a very large person.
Chance ‘Um! This sentence is normally used when there is something to be gained by taking a risk. Imagine two co-workers wondering if they would get an extra day off since it’s one of the Hawaiian king’s birthday. If the only way to know is to ask the boss, then you should “Chance ‘Um” and ask. Imagine there’s a beautiful cheerleader that you’ve been in love with and want to ask to the Christmas Ball; you should “Chance ‘Um” and ask her out. Imagine there are two plate lunches that look delicious [beef stew / teri chicken combination, extra macaroni salad -AND- loco moco/garlic chicken combination, gravy all over]; you should “Chance ‘Um” and buy both.